Video 1: Foundation Workout

Video 1: Foundation Workout


Video 1: Foundation Workout - Here at TriFitnessTraining we don’t just throw you to the wolves and let you learn on your own. I show you HOW with these step by step instructional videos. I am confident I’ll build up your strength, stamina, and stability to be able to sustain an incredible workout. I will be there every SQUAT of the way! 

Here’s what you are getting: 

⚡️Warm-Up (Work up a Sweat in 5 mins 💦)

⚡️High Intense Workout (Dynamic/Isolated)

⚡️Cardio Cool Down (It’s for your 💛)

⚡️Abs (Full, Lower, Top)

⚡️Stretching (Rehab)

Triona’s online program is designed to maximize your efforts, 

⚡️Physical Training 

⚡️Sports Nutrition

⚡️Mindset Reset 

⚡️Spiritual Alignment 


5.0/5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

All programs are designed to be repeated these are not challenging but should be performed daily. 

Select one video per day to do and give yourself a rest day. 

I recommend doing Videos 1-6 on Monday - Saturday and giving yourself a personal day on Sunday for resting, resetting and meditating. 

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