Video 6: Dynamic Workout

Video 6: Dynamic Workout


Video 6: Dynamic Workout - This Workout is dynamite but I didn’t want to scare you off so I just named it the Dynamic Workout this workout will be targeting each area and giving you a true full-body workout guaranteed to make you burn more calories and sweattttt!!! Let’s jump in, pump it up and build this better body every day The FitN5 Way! 

Here’s what you are getting: 

⚡️Warm-Up (Work up a Sweat in 5 mins 💦)

⚡️High Intense Workout (Dynamic/Isolated)

⚡️Cardio Cool Down (It’s for your 💛)

⚡️Abs (Full, Lower, Top)

⚡️Stretching (Rehab)

Triona’s online program is designed to maximize your efforts, 

⚡️Physical Training 

⚡️Sports Nutrition

⚡️Mindset Reset 

⚡️Spiritual Alignment 


5.0/5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

All programs are designed to be repeated these are not challenging but should be performed daily. 

Select one video per day to do and give yourself a rest day. 

I recommend doing Videos 1-6 on Monday - Saturday and giving yourself a personal day on Sunday for resting, resetting and meditating. 

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